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Speculative concept film

Short film
(1 min, 2017)

Latitude 39.58560° N. Longitude 104.89598° W. True compass bearing: 135.8761.

The JANMAR B17 unit has arrived at the shipping port. Activation, data input. Clon ready.


JANMAR B17 is a concept film depicting the activation of the first CLON. Set in a speculative future, the film is the initial concept story of a larger body of work inspired by sci-fi narratives and cyberpunk aesthetics, reflecting on the future of humanity.

Written and Directed by Estela Oliva
Art direction (3D) Aitana Basquiat
Sound design Ana Quiroga

3D models, Cameras, Sound 


Barbican Milton Court, London

Art Futura Festival, London and other locations

Espacio Fundacion Telefonica, Madrid

Aberrations at Galerie Irrgang, Berlin

curated by Lucas Gutierrez and Robert Seidel.

Janmar B17 by Clon 003.png
Janmar B17 by Clon 001.png
Janmar B17 by Clon 005.png
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